Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Science of a Smile

Want people around you to be more positive? Check your face first.
Shawn Achor - November 2, 2015
When people complain, their facial expressions become scrunched and anxious. When we feel threatened by a negative family member or co-worker, our faces usually reflect exactly what we are trying to reject.
Want people around you to be more positive? Check your face first.
Emotions are highly contagious; they spread through our nonverbal cues. When we interact with people who are in a good mood, we subconsciously begin to copy their body language, tone of voice and facial expressions. Once we mimic these physical behaviors, research shows we actually begin to feel the emotion ourselves. When we smile, our mood elevates. Scientists refer to this as the “facial feedback hypothesis.”
To test this theory, then-Yale psychologist Sigal Barsade, Ph.D., conducted a study in which she assigned a group of volunteers to a task and privately instructed one group member to act overtly positive. Barsade recorded her subjects and tracked the emotions of each individual before and after the session. She found that when the positive person entered the room, his jovial mood was picked up by the rest of the group almost instantly. Incredibly, the performance of each individual increased, and the group’s ability to achieve its goal improved.
Want a more successful team? The next time you walk into a meeting, check your face. Something as simple as smiling could transform your business and your life.

SMILE and have a Wonderful Thanksgiving! Terry

Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Culture!

Does our current school culture support or hinder our ability to collectively embrace our "Fundamental Purpose"? 
Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

Our culture is defined by the worst behavior WE are willing to tolerate!

Image result for mother teresa doorstep quote
As the week comes to a close, please take a few minutes and ask yourself, am I a part of the solution - an influencer, one willing to walk with others through this shift  in becoming a more positive and collaborative culture?

We all have the ability to lead, it requires no title!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving! Terry


The mission of the Frazee-Vergas Public School District is to provide quality education by promoting a safe and respectful environment which encourages the development of individual potential for lifelong learning in a diversified society.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

School Board Meeting 11/9/15 Snapshot

  • Recognition: A special thank you was given to Scott Hilde along with the Baseball Booster Club for their diligence in the installation of improvements to our baseball facility!!
  • Technology Update:  The District Technology Committee did a nice job presenting  on what they have done, are looking to do, and thoughts on the future. Thanks Committee!
  • Building Goals Reviewed: Both principals presented their building goals for the year, the school board has asked for periodic updates on progress towards these goals.
  • Fall Activities Report: Mr. Courneya gave a season wrap up on our fall activities, congratulations to all and thank you for your commitment!
  • Band Uniforms: Approval to Authorize Superintendent to Seek Bids for New Marching Band Uniforms.
  • Approval: 2015-2017 Frazee Education Association / School Board Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • Approval: Memorandum of Understanding for Advisory Time.
  • Approval: Purchase Agreement for the Mark Kelly Property.
  •  "Clean"Audit Opinion: Presentation by Eide Bailly provided the District with a "Clean" audit opinion, good news!

For a full report and minutes please go to the school web page > District > Boardbook.

Also please follow us on Facebook and Twitter @FVhornets

Next School Board Meeting is scheduled for: 12/14/15

Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!