Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Be Thankful

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.
GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.
Author Unknown
Happy Holidays and Thank You for all you do!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

School Board Meeting 12/14/15 Snapshot

  • Recognition: A special thank you to our winter athletic captains for your presentations, good luck to all!
  • Technology Update:  The District Technology Committee did a nice job presenting  on what they have done, are looking to do, and thoughts on the future. Thanks Committee!
  • Band Uniforms: Approval to Authorize Superintendent and Mr. Selander to move forward in securing New Marching Band Uniforms.
  • Approval: 2015-2016 Independent Contracts.
  • Acceptance Letter: The board accepted a letter of resignation from School  Board  member  Don Trieglaff - we thank him for his years of service and wish him the best!

For a full report and minutes please go to the school web page www.frazee.k12.mn.us > District > Boardbook.

Also please follow us on Facebook and Twitter @FVhornets

Next School Board Meeting is scheduled for: 1/11/16

Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Solution Tree

Global PD

Global PD provides you access to the largest library of PLC videos in the world. Videos are less than 20 minutes to accommodate your team’s busy schedules. Take time and refresh your knowledge of PLC's from experts like Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, Mike Mattos, Ken Williams, and others.

Each team leader has been provided with a password for access into this PLC library, you can search by topic or presenter
Global PD is continually updated with new videos. Please take time during one of your team meetings, embed time into the days you take for ELO's, or take a half day for the purpose of watching, reflecting, and discussing sound educational research as a team. Enjoy and thanks for all you do! Terry

Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Science of a Smile

Want people around you to be more positive? Check your face first.
Shawn Achor - November 2, 2015
When people complain, their facial expressions become scrunched and anxious. When we feel threatened by a negative family member or co-worker, our faces usually reflect exactly what we are trying to reject.
Want people around you to be more positive? Check your face first.
Emotions are highly contagious; they spread through our nonverbal cues. When we interact with people who are in a good mood, we subconsciously begin to copy their body language, tone of voice and facial expressions. Once we mimic these physical behaviors, research shows we actually begin to feel the emotion ourselves. When we smile, our mood elevates. Scientists refer to this as the “facial feedback hypothesis.”
To test this theory, then-Yale psychologist Sigal Barsade, Ph.D., conducted a study in which she assigned a group of volunteers to a task and privately instructed one group member to act overtly positive. Barsade recorded her subjects and tracked the emotions of each individual before and after the session. She found that when the positive person entered the room, his jovial mood was picked up by the rest of the group almost instantly. Incredibly, the performance of each individual increased, and the group’s ability to achieve its goal improved.
Want a more successful team? The next time you walk into a meeting, check your face. Something as simple as smiling could transform your business and your life.

SMILE and have a Wonderful Thanksgiving! Terry

Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Culture!

Does our current school culture support or hinder our ability to collectively embrace our "Fundamental Purpose"? 
Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

Our culture is defined by the worst behavior WE are willing to tolerate!

Image result for mother teresa doorstep quote
As the week comes to a close, please take a few minutes and ask yourself, am I a part of the solution - an influencer, one willing to walk with others through this shift  in becoming a more positive and collaborative culture?

We all have the ability to lead, it requires no title!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving! Terry


The mission of the Frazee-Vergas Public School District is to provide quality education by promoting a safe and respectful environment which encourages the development of individual potential for lifelong learning in a diversified society.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

School Board Meeting 11/9/15 Snapshot

  • Recognition: A special thank you was given to Scott Hilde along with the Baseball Booster Club for their diligence in the installation of improvements to our baseball facility!!
  • Technology Update:  The District Technology Committee did a nice job presenting  on what they have done, are looking to do, and thoughts on the future. Thanks Committee!
  • Building Goals Reviewed: Both principals presented their building goals for the year, the school board has asked for periodic updates on progress towards these goals.
  • Fall Activities Report: Mr. Courneya gave a season wrap up on our fall activities, congratulations to all and thank you for your commitment!
  • Band Uniforms: Approval to Authorize Superintendent to Seek Bids for New Marching Band Uniforms.
  • Approval: 2015-2017 Frazee Education Association / School Board Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • Approval: Memorandum of Understanding for Advisory Time.
  • Approval: Purchase Agreement for the Mark Kelly Property.
  •  "Clean"Audit Opinion: Presentation by Eide Bailly provided the District with a "Clean" audit opinion, good news!

For a full report and minutes please go to the school web page www.frazee.k12.mn.us > District > Boardbook.

Also please follow us on Facebook and Twitter @FVhornets

Next School Board Meeting is scheduled for: 12/14/15

Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Why a Fundamental Purpose!

Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

The first stage of authentic alignment is exploring the (Why).  
  • Why does our school exist?
  • Why do we go to school each day?
  • What do we believe?
  • What do we want to achieve?
Why... Why is a School's Fundamental Purpose Important?
A clear and compelling purpose is the glue that binds together a group of individuals. It is the foundation on which the collective “we” of a real team is built. A school's "Fundamental Purpose" needs to be an energy-infused phrase, easy to remember and embed in daily work, which expresses the spirit of the mission statement.


The mission of the Frazee-Vergas Public School District is to provide quality education by promoting a safe and respectful environment which encourages the development of individual potential for lifelong learning in a diversified society.

Have a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Learning Targets - The Most Important Part of a Lesson!
Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!
The first thing students need to learn is what they’re supposed to be learning - A Learning Target. This learning target needs to be written up on the board in student-friendly language - daily...


Establishes a Smarter Focus
A learning target puts the focus of the day’s activity on an achievement. Without a learning target, the class’s focus is on the teacher, blindly following and (hopefully) adhering to instructions. Learning targets change this classic dynamic in a subtle but powerful way. Knowing the target allows activities to be placed in context. Prior knowledge is activated and predictions of the new content are made automatically as students interpret the goal.

Conveys Ownership - I Can Statements
By writing it in the first person, as an “I can…” statement, it conveys the ownership students must assume over the content. After discussing the meaning of the learning target with students, pick a random student and ask, “What will you be able to say with pride before you leave today’s lesson?”
Essential Learner Outcomes are about instruction, derived from content standards, written in teacher language, and used to guide teaching during a lesson or across a series of lessons. They are not designed for students but for the teacher. A shared learning target, on the other hand, frames the lesson from the students’ point of view.

Helps Define Competencies
Learning targets do more than give students a smarter focus in class and clarify the planning process for teachers. Because a teacher has to unpack broader standards or unit goals into incremental skills, a map of sorts is created. The big concepts are broken into smaller chunks. This can lead to a powerful practice called competency-based learning.
To be clear, competency-based learning has many implications about self-directed learning that go beyond the practice of learning targets. Chunking, or the practice of unpacking standards into incremental steps, ties the two topics together. All the same, competencies pair beautifully with formative assessments. If teachers collect data on which skills students are mastering and what skills need remediation, classroom decisions are made all the more effective.

Thanks for all you do, you are appreciated by many! Terry

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

School Board Meeting 9/14/15 Snapshot

  • Welcome: We started the meeting by introducing and welcoming our newest staff  members: Elementary - First Grade Mr. Hackle, Second Grade Ms. Schwan, and our new Administrative Assistant Ms. Nunn; High School welcomes - English  Ms. Brekken, English Ms. Safar, Art Ms. Reiffenberger, and Choir Ms. Morben; Special Education - EBD Ms. Schwendeman and Due Process / Behavioral Interventionist Ms. Wothe. Welcome everyone!
  • Activities Director Update:  Mr. Courneya introduced our fall athletic captains / senior leaders, thanked them for their attendance, and congratulated them on stepping forward as leaders, and wished everyone a great fall season.
  • Elementary School Update: Elementary Principal, Mr. Nagel, gave his back to school update to the board of education - Enrollment is currently at 470 students K-6, we ended the year at 475; Mr. Nagel also complimented the tremendous work being done at the Elementary School - in particular the work and efforts with the PBIS initiative and the continuation of the PLC journey. Mr. Nagel thanked the board for their support in allowing a number of staff to attend the PLC Institute this past summer.
  • High School Update: attendance was presented - currently at 427, we ended the year at 414.
  • Superintendent Update: 1. Our continued efforts in establishing a plan to present to Mr. Scheels in regards to the Scheels grant. 2. Work on the Elementary boiler is on track and moving along well. 3. AMI funds and plan has been submitted to MDE for review. 
  • Welcome New Staff: The following were approved for hire - Sandra Muchow (Part time Latch Key Aide), Brandi Latham (Special Education Paraprofessional), and Heather Perrine (Title I Paraprofessional).
  • Construction Trades Project - Approved for the 2015-2016, our construction trades class will demolish the existing summer recreation building and  construct a new one. 
For a full report and minutes please go to the school web page ww.frazee.k12.mn.us > District > Boardbook.

Also please follow us on Facebook and Twitter @FVhornets

Next School Board Meeting is scheduled for: 10/12/15

Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Thoughts from - Jeff Charbonneau, Teacher of the Year!

"5 Minutes Can Change the World of Education." -- Jeff Charbonneau, Teacher of the Year!
It's a bold statement.
Arrogant even.
Really? The whole world of education can be changed in as little as 5 minutes!?
For all the experts, pundits, books, blogs, and conferences that I have seen over the years, there is not one that compares to the expertise and trust of the local educator having a conversation at the grocery store.
It is there in aisle, next to the cereal, that the picture of education gets painted. It is there that the community learns about what is "really happening" in the schools during a conversation that lasts less than 5 minutes.
I have been there. In fact, every educator has. We get done at school after a 10 hour day, we are tired and ready to head home — but dinner has to be made and we're out of milk. So we dash into the store and, of course, get stopped by a community member and get asked about school. Not the simple "how's it going?" kind of ask, but rather the prying, digging deeper questions.
The question is — what do you say?
Do you talk about how students are doing higher level math than ever before?
Do you talk about how your high school's English department is now offering classes for college credit?
Do you talk about how the graduation rate has been climbing not only nationwide but in your district as well?
Unfortunately, from what I see and hear, these normally don't make the list. But it's not because those things aren't happening.
Instead it seems that far, far too often it is the bad news that gets shared.
Funding issues.
Overcrowding and lack of resources.
Issues with testing, curriculum, and standards.
And the list goes on.
I do not claim that these issues are not real. They are real. I live them every day as a classroom teacher.
But there is a problem with this kind of messaging.
You see the reality is that while the teaching profession as a whole certainly does not have a high level of respect, individual teachers are incredibly well respected by the parents of the children they teach.
That respect for the individual does not stop with the teacher. Most of the parents I know place a huge amount of trust and respect in any of the adults that their student interacts with at school, from the custodians and bus drivers, to the staff assistants and building secretaries. All educators actually have large amount of "education street cred" in the eyes of the community.
In short, when teachers and/or staff talk about the state of education, the community DOES listen.
So when we are in the store having that conversation and we think that we are helping by sharing the list of things we need, the things that are going wrong, we are not.
The problem with education is that all we do is talk about what is wrong with education.
And that makes things worse.
If the only message the community hears is that the schools are falling apart, then that is what the community will believe.
To be a true advocate for education, we need to take a quick lesson from the classroom:
When a student walks in our room the absolute LAST thing we do as teachers is tell them what they are doing wrong. Instead we learn about them, praise them for their strengths, and develop a relationship of trust and positive feedback so that they have the motivation, energy, and vision to improve. It works.
Let's do that with the world of education.
Take the time to praise our colleagues' work, to share their stories of success and triumph with our community.
Let's give our communities the energy and the strength that they need to be able to support and help improve education, just as our students use the strength we give them to improve in the classroom.
We HAVE to start talking about what is working in education.
And we have to start doing it in the places that matter the most — the grocery stores, restaurants, and gas stations.
It is there that the public perception of education is shaped.
The best part of all is that it takes less than 5 minutes to have those conversations — conversations that are already occurring between school staff and the community.
We simply have to decide to change the message.
Imagine if every teacher, custodian, coach, administrator, bus driver, and staff assistant in the nation went to the store tonight and had just one conversation in the checkout line that focused only on the great things that are happening in their school.
We could change the world of education in 5 minutes.
It's time that we choose to be the same positive influence on the profession that we are on the students we teach.
So here it is — your new assignment, your "teacher homework":
Commit to spending 5 minutes a day lifting up the profession by talking about what is going RIGHT.
--Jeff Charbonneau

Thursday, August 20, 2015

School Board Meeting 8/11/15 Snapshot

  • Long Term Facility Maintenance: Information was provided and a ten year plan was accepted outlining the District's LTFM Plan. 
  • Food Service: Ms. Neyens gave a nice presentation on the upcoming changes to our Food Service and our menus. Good things to come....
  • Gifted & Talented: Mr. Kingsbury returns for another year as our G & T instructor.
  • Welcome New Staff: Please welcome two new Part Time ECFE teachers: Ms. Maijala and Ms. Stockstrom! At second grade please welcome Shana Schwan! Also, Baxter Bachmann, will be helping us as a coach on the football field - Welcome Baxter!
  • Policy: Policy series 600 received a second and final reading along with a first reading for the 700 series.
Our next School Board meeting is scheduled for September 14th, 2015 at 6:00 pm. in the High School Media Center.

Fundamental Purpose: High levels of learning for ALL!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

School Board Meeting 7/14/2105 Snapshot

  • Playground Update: Mr. Nagel gave a presentation on what our new playground may look like, noting its handicap accessibility and accessible equipment, and safety surfacing throughout the entire playground. The equipment that will be put in will provide the ability for ALL children to utilize the elementary playground despite any physical restrictions. More to come...
  • Lunch Prices: Breakfast prices will increase five cents and lunch prices will increase ten cents over last year. The federal government sets the least amount we can charge and still receive federal assistance, thus we need to make this increase.
  • Handbooks: All of our handbooks have been updated, school board approved, and posted on the school website - check them out. www.frazee.k12.mn.us
  • Welcome New Staff: Please welcome our new first grade teacher Russ Hackel, Russ will also be helping us as a coach on the football field - Welcome Russ! Also, please welcome our new English teacher Judy Brekken - Welcome Judy! Gabe Dretsch, an alum, returns to be an assistant wrestling coach - Welcome Gabe!
  • Hornet Pride: A big thank you goes out to the Wolf Lake Lions for their $300 donation for our Day of Caring, greatly appreciated!
Our next School Board meeting is scheduled for August 11th, 2015 at 6:00 pm. in the High School Media Center.

Fundamental Purpose: To ensure high levels of learning for all students!